Spiritual Intelligence Workshop

Let's Bloom Together

ॐ पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदं पूर्णात्पूर्णमुदच्यते ।

पूर्णस्य पूर्णमादाय पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते ॥

ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥

Om. Complete in itself is that yonder and complete in itself that which here and the complete ariseth from the complete: but when thou takest the complete from its fullness, that which remaineth is also complete. Om. Peace! Peace! Peace!

Signature Workshop

Logo of Metamorphosis Workshop

Why Spiritual Intelligence is Important?

In a fast-paced and often chaotic world, the search for inner peace and spiritual fulfillment is more relevant than ever.

In this context, spiritual intelligence is the need of the hour when IQ and EQ are still limited to their own zones of application. Spiritual intelligence is defined as the human capacity to ask questions about the ultimate meaning of life and the integrated relationship between us and the world in which we live. According to research, there is a significant relationship between spiritual intelligence components e.g., conscious state expansion, personal meaning production, transcendental awareness, and critical existential thinking with psychological well-being and having a purpose in life.

Our workshop is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of four distinct but interconnected paths to spiritual realization, guiding participants on a profound inner journey.

Spiritual Fitness + Spiritual Intelligence = "Metamorphosis"

Inspired by the teachings of our ancient texts e.g., Upanishads, Bhagavad Gīta and the Saints of the highest order, this program will explore the psycho-spiritual dimension of you to access your deeper and highest aspiration.

Who is this for?

  • Seekers of spirituality; any path is welcome
  • Those willing to deal with the problems in an ‘unconventional’ way
  • Those having a sense of void despite achieving materialistic success
  • Those willing to find a sense of purpose in their life
  • Those interested to build a spiritually intelligent community in the course of time

Who is this "not" for?

  • Those with resistance to change their existing ideas
  • Those finding difficult to resonate with the ancient wisdom
  • Those not yet ready to embark spiritual journey

Please note, we are not any way judging you; this is entirely for the collective benefits of the workshop attendees.

“None can reach heaven who has not passed through hell.”    — Sri Aurobindo

Integration of Bhaktiyoga, Karmayoga, Gnyana Yoga and Rajayoga through the art of inner work

Why an integrated approach is important for spiritual unfoldment?

Integrating Bhakti Yoga, Gnyana Yoga, Karma Yoga, and Raja Yoga is essential for holistic spiritual transformation. Bhakti fosters devotion and love, Gnyana imparts wisdom, Karma instills selfless service, and Raja provides control over the mind.

However, the proportions to adapt these paths towards one’s nature varies to a great extent which means they are not enough equalized and we tend to follow our chosen pattern of practice which we are comfortable with. This leads to stagnancy in our spiritual journey.

Hence, intense “inner-work” is needed to create a perfect balance that though our present worldly pursuits may encourage one over the other path, but inside we are so “plastic” that we can easily sail through across these different yet inter-connected paths. One is not complete without the other.

What you can expect from the Workshop?

As a spiritual aspirant, you must be well aware about the benefits of spiritual practice and already experiencing most of them, if not all. Many of you are well versed with scriptures, do chanting or “japa” and meditation on a regular basis. But are we prepared enough to give exam in the spiritual realm the same way we do in our academic exams in schools or universities! Well, this might sound very extreme, however, give it a thought.

In this background, this workshop will give you a platform to introspect deeply about your present state of consciousness and aspirations towards your spiritual pursuits. The experience will vary from person to person, because all of us are not at the same stage of spiritual evolution. Depending on your present state, this workshop will give you a momentum and reveal a new dimension towards which you can redirect your future actions points.

Spiritual experiences cannot be measured with five senses, mind and intellect. Hence, you your”self” can only evaluate how much you learned from this workshop. Deep contemplation and receptivity are two important aspects that are much needed for you to get the maximum benefit.

Needless to say, this kind of workshop can only be possible through the grace of God Himself. Hence, we conduct this particular workshop as an offering to God so that all of you make the most out of it.

Embark on a life-transforming adventure towards a more harmonious, and spiritually connected life. A journey from wanting to be somebody to aspiring to be nobody.

This 20+ hours of comprehensive workshop will be held with not more than 20 eligible participants per batch. Please fill out the form below so that we can get in touch with you to organise the workshop.

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