Soulfully Yours...

In the journey of Healing, Progress and Transformation

“सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः, सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः”

“May all be happy, may all be free from disease.”

Twameva Logo Website

Who we are

We are more than just a holistic health service institute; we are a nurturing haven for those seeking profound personal growth and transformation. Our commitment to holistic well-being runs deep, and our multidisciplinary team of experts is dedicated to guiding you on your journey to a more balanced and fulfilling life. With a comprehensive approach to mind, body, and spirit, our institute offers a diverse range of services that encompass coaching and counseling, spiritual and lifestyle coaching, corporate coaching, hand-writing analysis, and life skills training, all grounded in the rich traditions of integral yoga and Indian philosophy.

At our institute, we believe that true wellness is a harmonious blend of mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Our seasoned practitioners are passionate about helping you navigate life’s challenges, connect with your spiritual essence, and achieve professional growth. Through a fusion of transformative techniques such as Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Graphology, Meditation-Mindfulness and relevant spiritual disciplines, we empower you to unlock your fullest potential. We’re also dedicated to nurturing the next generation of psychology professionals, offering internships for students specializing in Counseling or Industrial Psychology. Welcome to a holistic sanctuary where personal growth knows no bounds, and your journey to a healthier, happier you begins.

Transform your life and thrive with Twameva's holistic healing journey – where well-being meets empowerment

Serving You

One to one coaching depicting care, compassion and support for holistic wellness

Coaching and Counseling

    Spiritual and lifestyle coaching for inner growth and a spiritually fulfilled lifestyle

    Spiritual and LifeStyle Coaching

    Reminder to pause and breath when in stress, anxiety to avoid burnout specifically used for corporate coaching

    Corporate Coaching

    Graphology helps to know yourself and others better

    Know yourself better with Handwriting Analysis (Graphology)

    Spiritual Intelligence Workshop

    Metamorphosis: Courtship with God

    Inspired by the teachings of our ancient texts e.g., Upanishads, Bhagavad Gīta and the Saints of highest order, this program will explore the psycho-spiritual dimension of you to access your deeper and highest aspiration.

    Logo of Metamorphosis Workshop

    Start your Spiritual Journey

    “Metamorphosis – Courtship with God” offers a unique opportunity for individuals to embark on a journey of self-discovery, spiritual connection, and personal growth. By learning from and integrating these spiritual paths and divine qualities into their daily routines, participants can experience a profound transformation in their lives, bringing them closer to a deeper understanding of themselves and their connection to the divine.

    Signature Workshop

    Metamorphosis – Courtship with God” is a 20+ hours transformative program designed to guide participants through a profound spiritual journey. Drawing inspiration from the four paths of Yoga – Bhakti, Gnyana, Karma, and Raja – this program empowers individuals to not only understand these spiritual disciplines but also integrate them into their daily lives. This comprehensive program offers practical insights and tools to help individuals integrate these spiritual paths into their everyday lives. Additionally, it focuses on instilling 12 divine qualities inspired by The Mother, a revered spiritual figure and spiritual equal of Sri Aurobindo.

    Throughout the 20+ hours, participants will engage in experiential exercises, and discussions that provide practical tools and techniques to apply these yogic paths and divine qualities in real-life situations. The program’s ultimate goal is to empower individuals to lead more meaningful, purposeful, and spiritually enriched lives.

    “In an outburst of heavenly joy and ease

    Life yields to the divinity within

    And gives the rapture-offering of its all,

    And the soul opens to felicity.”

    — Sri Aurobindo

    (Savitri: CWSA, Vol. 33 , Book Two, p. 278)

    Our Offerings

    At Twameva Wellness and Training Center, our motto is to grow together. In this direction, we offer skill building programs that are mostly aspired from the Vedantic realm.

    Our offerings

    Personal and Corporate Coaching

    We offer a safe and supportive space for self-discovery and growth. Our skilled practitioners empower you to overcome obstacles, set meaningful goals, and cultivate resilience. Whether it’s personal development, mental health, or life transitions, we are here to guide you on your journey.

    Handwriting Analysis

    We uncover insights into personality traits, behaviour patterns, and hidden talents by examining your handwriting. This unique tool aids personal development, self-awareness, and better understanding of oneself and others, leading to more meaningful connections and self-improvement.

    Skill building and Training Workshops

    We offer different training and skill building programs for personal and professional growth. It consists of Integral Lifeskills Training, Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), Handwriting analysis or Graphology with intense curriculum.


    We offer an enabling platform for aspiring practitioners to offer their skills and keep learning. This platform serves as a useful source to rejuvenate or pursue your passion in the form of art and creativity, providing technical support etc. whatever skills are best used for serving people

    Meet our Team

    Dr Runalika Roy

    Dr Runalika Roy


    Empathetic Counselor, NLP practitioner, Graphologist (Handwriting Analyst) helping working professionals to build positive self-image, develop emotional and spiritual intelligence, achieve peak performance and overcome mental health concerns.

    Siraj Datta

    Siraj Datta


    Industrial Counselor and NLP Practitioner dedicated in bringing smile in everybody’s life as known as “smile doctor”.

    Ayan Banerjee

    Ayan Banerjee

    Chief Mentor

    Technocrat turned Indologist and Seeker dedicated in transforming youth through Indian Philosophies and Value Education more than a decade.

    Success Stories


    Your insights were both fascinating & impressively accurate. It’s astonishing how one’s handwriting can reveal so much about their personality. Additionally, your analysis was not just insightful but also presented in a clear and concise manner, making it very easy to understand! It showcases your dedication to the field and we’re fortunate to have had the opportunity to benefit from it.

    Chethan P

    I am very glad to read your report, it is cent percent accurate about me. I really thank you; it really helped me rebuild my personality.

    A. B

    Nice Experience, truly listening to the issues and suggesting most feasible ways. She empathizes with the issue so gently, I am touched indeed.

    Audrey M

    I wanted to express my gratitude for the report. Your insights were incredibly valuable, and I appreciate your time and feedback.

    S Thakur

    My experience with the doc was awesome. She is very calm and was very patient with me.

    Let's build a resilient community


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    How to Tell if You Need Counseling/Coaching

    How to Tell if You Need Counseling/Coaching

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    Hi there! A warm welcome to Twameva! How can I help you?
    Girl writing in a notebook background

    Send your one-page handwriting sample to know your hidden traits and receive a brief report from our Graphology expert

    Click Here to know the instructions and WhatsApp your handwriting sample.

    SUCCESS! Our expert will get in touch with you soon.

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